In Your Light

You are the true light
and you have sent your son
that we may see your light

And yet
we are a people who walk in darkness
mostly by our own choosing of course
but the darnkess is so enticing
and your light is a bit frightening

For in your light
no secret may hid
and no sin may be harbored
no matter how precious it may be to us

Bring us into your light
drag us if you have to
so long as we are there
exposed before you
vulnerable as we are

And let your light transform us
into children of light
that we may be light
to a world full of darnkess

Shine in us, through us, and with us
that all may see you

Published in: on February 11, 2007 at 3:51 pm  Leave a Comment  

Be Our Resting Place

Sovereign Lord
maker of Heaven and Earth
to whom praise, honor and glory are due

Grant that we may seek
and in our seeking find you
For you alone are worthy of the search

Forgive us God
when our eyes fall short of your glory
and rest on things below

Our eyes were made to rest on you
as we were made to rest in you

We are weary
So be our resting place

But how can we rest if we cannot find you?

Grant to us, gracious God, that we may seek
and in our seeking find you

Indeed, you alone are worthy

Published in: on February 11, 2007 at 5:57 am  Leave a Comment  

Turn Us Back

Forgive us God
when we have lost sight of you

It’s easy to accuse you of turning your face away
as if your righteousness were up for debate
It’s much harder to admit that it is we
who have turned our backs on you

And when we glance back over our shoulders
we find that you are not there
peering over to see what we are doing
You know all too well what we do when our backs are turned

So we pray God
turn us back

And when we turn and find you gone
do not stay gone too long
for we cannot bear your absence

Come back God
and we will try to keep
our shoulders squared firmly in your direction
and our eyes fixed on you
that we may follow

Published in: on February 5, 2007 at 3:24 pm  Leave a Comment  

Where Are You?

If you say anything
I will listen
If you even begin to move
I will follow

But right now God, I need something
a few words
a change in direction

I need you
but I can’t hear you
nor can I see you

Why does it feel as though you are so far away?
Why is it so easy to forget?
Why is it so hard to follow?
Why are you not here when I call?
Where are you?

But I know that you are with me
with all that I am
And so I pray boldly
as I have before:

Speak, therefore,
and command what you will
I have followed you this far,
I will follow farther still.

Published in: on February 5, 2007 at 3:21 pm  Leave a Comment